Auteur Sujet: Some Videos Souvenirs Memories of the Ancient Tantra 3000fr Kruma  (Lu 4866 fois)

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Sujets avec les souvenirs de 10 à 15 ans de Tantra Game ... Serveurs Tantra 3000fr K¹¹ K¹² k¹³
Et comme par hasard, je me suis refait un perso sur un serveur sympa.
Et comme toujours, attention de donner les autorisations à votre Antivirus, il aimera pas ces vieux fichiers ...  :g185::

:tantra: FREE FORUM Tantra The Old Republic :tantra:

Hello, I wanted to reconnect with Kruma's PvP, and I looked for private servers.
There are several, some are very complicated to register, or not very secure (Http only) others, very few players, slow Exp... Not interesting
So I found TOR Tantra The Old Republic
A fairly quick exp, lots of events, Kruma events, players present, the guild that accepted me has more than 40 members.
So happy to replay this Kruma, always attractive. Need players Shiva for Kruma    tue-gd    Mort    tue-dg:   :lol:

Very useful: Stuck character = Automatic relocation of your character to Mandara
You just need to be logged in to the site and choose the character to unstuck.
Therefore, no need to open a ticket and wait...

Admin, Gm react and respond quickly via Facebook Tantra: The Old Republic

Very well received by the Shiva Guild ¤UNDERDOGGS¤  NEW ASHRAM: Shiva Guardians

Some Videos Memories of the Ancient Tantra 3000fr Kruma

🗡️ Tantra 3000fr K¹² Gallery of memories K¹²
⚔️ Tantra K¹³ Évolution Gallery of Memories Tantra K¹³

Tantra K¹³ ~ PvP - GM KILL PLAYERS KRUMA (GM Spécial items/chakra ... .. for power char)



Tantra Global Naga Dungeon 5th Skull

Tantra PH Philippines KRUMA PVP MAY 2010

Tantra Ph Repelling Orb Ally Acqûïsh-Nöbilîty-9-10-2010

3000Fr Abikara [ SPERMINATOR ]Gameplay 1 vs 3

Tantra-3000fr HAOMA Parokysa

 tue-gd Mort tue-dg

:tantra: FREE FORUM Tantra The Old Republic :tantra: